PIP Extender – 5 Gallon Pail
Quantity: 5 gallon per pail (44lbs) Coverage: Approximately 80 sq ft per pail (2-3 coats) Colors: Balast Beige Carousel Coral Cool Blue Emerald Ice Fire Dust Galvano Grey Generator Green Magnetic Mauve Robotic Blue Safety Orange When Poured in Place Surfaces are damaged beyond patching, our PIP Extender...
Poured in Place Rebinder B™
Quantity: 5 gallon pail (44lbs) Coverage: Up to 1,200 sq ft Our Poured in Place Rebinder™ is a rubber conditioner that rejuvenates your Poured in Place rubber surface, extending its lifespan while refreshing its colors, making them pop once again. It is a must-have maintenance solution for liability prevention. By catching granulation in...
Poured in Place Rebinder™
Quantity: 5 gallon pail (44lbs) Coverage: Up to 1,500 sq ft Our Poured in Place Rebinder™ is a rubber conditioner that rejuvenates your Poured in Place rubber surface, extending its lifespan while refreshing its colors, making them pop once again. It is a must-have maintenance solution for liability prevention. By catching granulation in...